Maximum traction
The rubber tyres drive the vehicle as well on track as on road. The use of rubber on steel results in a friction coefficient which is more than twice the value of steel on steel. Because of this, the Mol rail-road vehicles create higher tractive and brake efforts compared to a twice as heavy locomotive and at a cost which is at least halved compared to an equivalent traditional locomotive.
A water-cooled diesel engine which meets the most recent emission requirements and specifications, is the heart of the rail-road vehicle. The engine develops the necessary torque and power which is transferred to the driven axles through the torque converter and powershift transmission.
The tyres transfer the tractive effort to the rails. There is a permanent 4×4 wheel drive. The interwheel differentials of the driven axles are locked during rail mode. A traction control system prevents the tyres from spinning and unnecessary wearing whilst getting a train in the move.